Drakvide |
x |
Ulex europeus, |
Miscanthus lutarioriparius hög gräs |
Nothofagus antarctica, träd from chile |
x |
Lagarostrobus franklinii tasmanian conifer |
Lysimachia clethroides, the gooseneck loosestrife, is a species of
flowering plant |
x |
Cytisus battandieri, AKA Pineapple Broom. Lovely! |
x |
Emmenopterys henryi. try small tree |
Boehmeria platanifolia |
V.G. - Rare plant nursery |
boehmeria-platanifolia |
see above |
boehmeria platanifolia |
hardiness from
Native Range: China. Hardiness Zone: USDA Zone 4a: to -34.4 °C.
Height: 1,2m. |
Getris, Diervilla, |
x |
Sanguisorba lilac squirell |
x |
Sanguisorba tenuifolia, exeptionell on långa pinnar |
Agapanthus Bray Valley with its intense blue |
Picrasma ailanthoides |
träd (finns bara bilder på Pircrasma Quassioides) |
x |
Acanthus spinosa perenial flower |
x |
Lilium lankon, stor |
x |
PhymosiaUmbellata pernial hardy trots allt blomma |
aletris farinosa perenial collins |
Persicaria polymorpha, perenial? |
Verbesina microptera is a great hardy |
Carpenteria californica,vita blomor för oss |
x |
Lonicera calcarata gus från collins |
x |
Dactylorhiza perenial |
Thalictrum aquilegifolium "The Cloud" 2 vm blomma |
melaleuca, callistemon |
x |
Paris japonica for wet |
x |
Leptospermum scoparium 'Winter Cheer'. Z 9-10 |
Arisaema amurense.calla |
Abeliophyllum distichum, |
vår. doftar |
x |
Mucuna sempervirens vine japenese |
x |
Stachyurus praecox var. matsuzakii |
Brassaiopsis dumicola scheflera till -10 (oklart
om bilden är på en scheflera) |
x |
Dysosma versipellis. kolla |
x |
Podachaenium eminens (giant tree daisy) big leaves |
x |
Geoffroea decorticans chile fruct -13 |
Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala RED LEAVES |
Osmanthus armatus |
Neolitsea sericea |
Montanoa hibiscifolia stora blad |
Phacelia campanularia. |
Carya, Fothergilla, Acer, and Liquidambar |
meryta sinclairii |
new zealand tree |
Oreopanax cecropifolius |
BSWJ14761 |
Lobelia fistulosa |
Bocconia frutescens |
Codonopsis ovata |
Cordyline indivisa - new zealand tree cabbage |
Zauschneria (now known as Epilobium) |
B.reniformis |
Begonia luxurians |
Zingiber mioga, crugs zing |
Thalia dealbata (vatten plant) |
Schefflera delavayi |
Hibiscus coccineus |
borinda papyrifera |
Smallanthus maculatus. |
Kaki fruit - växer i Japan: |
Esweld har dock
Fuyu, den har tyliigen hardiness USDA zone: -18°C (zone 7a) |
Kiwi Berry/Hardy Kiwi |
Finns i flera varianter hos Esweld, alla hardy, verkar alla klara
vind, |
geneva |
actinidia arguta natasha
Jag vet att det inte är politiskt korrekt nu men
Natasha verkar särsklit hardy, den växer i Vladivostok. |
Damson Plum |
Gör godaste
sylt - |
Edible Chestnut Castanea Sativa
esveld |
Williams Päron
esveld |
Feijoa |
- växer i Nya Zeeland men också i Georgien, finns
att köpa men kanske svår tom Esveld inte har. |
aconitum lycocotonum |
boehmeria platanifolium |
giant canna |
Petasites |
Astilboides tabularis |
Miscanthus lutarioriparia hög grass |
Prunus padus Colorata, |
Tetradium daniellii |
teuricum |
Paris Quadrifolia |
Ulex europeus, sweden |
Trachycarpus fortunei |
Borinda albo-cerea |
Populus purdomii |
Hymenosporum flavum, |
pittosporum eugenoides. |
Caragana arborescens 'Pendula' |
Polyspora longicarpa |
Epimedium x versicolor C. Morren 'Sulphureum |
info@naturalworld.nl |
sophora microphylla |
Chinodoxa, |
sm[ blommor |
diplotaxis erucoides |
italien på våren |
Osmanthus yunnanense |
Arctostaphylos ‘Howard McMinn’ |
Castilleja miniata |
Hovenia dulcis |
well-drained soil and full sun; hardy to -20°C. |
balsa tree |
Edgeworthia chrysantha |
luktar gott |
Zieria arborescens |
Populus wuana |
Fremontodendron 'California Glory' (MALVACEAE). |
Eucalyptus pauciflora |
Rhodedenron Sinogrande |
Idesia polycarpa |
Euscaphis japonica, |
Pittosporum buchananii |
pinus lambertiana big usa |
Marcetella moquiniana |
Wercklea flavovirens |
Oreopanax sp |
nolina hibernica |
yucca recurvifolia |
Gunnera mexicana |
a a polylepis tree tree |
Salix alba Chermesina, Golden Ness, |
like the much known willow Salix alba Chermesina,
has striking winter branches . Where the Chermesina turns orange, Golden
Ness is golden yellow in winter . Super nice, isn't it? . |
x |
Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' doft |
Calodendrum capense |
Warszewiczia coccinea |
Vesalea floribunda |
Pyrenogaster pityophilus=
Schenella pityophila |
Magnolia ‘Maripi’ |
Osmanthus heterophyllus, an evergreen heesterophyllus |
Daphne bholua Singalila form |
Quercus myrsinifolia. |
Maddenia hypoleuca |
Tetracentron sinense |
Neolitsea phanerophlebia |
Pinus wallichiana, |
Cussonia paniculata Eckl. & Zeyh. 1837 (ARALIACEAE). |
Nectandra cufodontisii |
(O.C.Schmidt) C.K. Allen 1945 (LAURACEAE).
Synonyms: Ocotea cufodontisii O.C.Schmidt; Ocotea seibertii C.K. Allen. |
Evergreen trees, hermaphrodites, 7-35 m tall.
Tiny appressed-pubescent young twigs, rapidly glabrescent. Leaves
5-21 cm long x (2-) 3-10 cm wide, elliptical to ovate-elliptical, base
obtuse to rounded, underside glabrous, sometimes with domacians, 4-7
pairs of secondary nerves. 7-15 cm long. Flowers with 1.6-2.7 mm tepals.
Globous fruits of 1.5-4 cm in diameter, dome of 0.2-0.3 cm. It is found
in humid, very humid, pluvial, cloudy forests and in oak groves, of
1800-2800 m of altitude. Native species of Costa Rica and Panama. In
iturraran it is located in zone 1. |
Catalpa fargesii var. duclouxii |
Wollemia nobilis pine |
Salix magnifica |
Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans' |
link |
sarcococca wallichii |
Bashania fargesii |
Borinda albocerea, bamboo |
Borinda papyrifera, blue bamboo |
Alstroemeria 'Glory of the Andes' |
Phyllocladus, the Celery Pines |
Salvia Leucantha |
Aralia elata ‘Aureomarginata’. |
Puya alpestris |
(Pyrus salicifolia) |
Cussonia paniculata var. sinuata. |
Smallanthus sonchifolius |
tuber, very good |
Erythrina variegata |
red flowers beauty
Erythrina variegata |
Cortaderia selloana |
Holboellia coriacea |
Lophosoria quadripinnata |
cardiocrinum yunnanense fin |
"Bloodgood" and this Acer "Emperor." |
Euonymus alatus |
Acer plataniodes |
schefflera delavayi |
Prunus ’Fugenzo’ |
Euonymus alatus |
har vi |
Scheflera rhododendrifolia |
dalvia sivinorum |
Schefflera fansipanensis and dactylicapnos scandens |
Berberis |
cotoneaster |
Acer palmatum och tror det är ’Osakazuki’ |
Brassaiopsis mitis and Brassaiopsis dumicola |
Entelea arborescens |
podophyllum |
Solanum betaceum |
Cunningham’s White’ |
Tricyrtis |
Zingiber moiga |
Aristotelia chilensis |
Trifolium Incarnatum rec clover |
Goethea |
Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus |
Flueggea virosa shrub |
Arctostaphylos |
viburnum Dilatatum |
Lomatium columbianum |
Schefflera delavayi. |
x |
Tithonia ( Mexican Sunflower) |
Celtis australis |
Helianthus salicifolius |
Diversity of some oaks in a clients arboretum,
imbricaria, acutissima, shumardii,
salicina, mersinifolia,
Cerris, phellos,
canariensis, elliipsodalis. |
Caliandra like albizia |
Brassaiopsis dumicola, shefflera rhododendrifolia, fatsia polycarpa
cut leaf form shefflera taiwaniana. |
Borinda papyrifera, Borinda scabrida bamboo |
Ixora margaretae |
Dysosma pleiantha "big leaf" |
Symphyotrichum subspicatum, |
Lactuca macrophylla |
Amorphophallus |
delphinium cheer blue |
Butomus umbellatus, blomvass, vatten |
Deppea splendens |
hydrangea villosa |
Poliothyrsis sinensis |
Tropaeolum speciosum |
euonymus grandiflorus |
Hoheria sexstylosa pendula, |
Podachaenium eminens |
Dipteronia sinensis |
tulbaghia cominsii |
Sanguisorba canadensis |
Delphnium pylzowii |
Mallotus japonicus |
anemonopsis macrophylla flora plena. |
Phymosia umbellata fin buske |
viticella white magic |
Montanoa |
Montanoa bipinnatifida commonly known as the Mexican Tree Daisy |
Silene nutans |
Desfontainia spinosa |
Castilleja parviflora var. oreopola, aka magenta paintbrush at
Sunrise, Mt. Rainier. There were a lot of these there. Another must have
for the garden. |
Leopoldia comosa bulb one can eat |
Fremontodendron |
agastache |
Iochroma australe |
Aloe arborescens (candleabra aloe) |
Magnolia Genie |
R.hemsleyanum (Fortunea) |
Asclepias tuberosa |
Trautvetteria caroliniensis, |
Lomatia tinctoria |
Rheum nobile |
Buddleia colvilei |
pterostyrax hispidus |
Veronicastrum japonicum |
aruncus woldemar meier |
pilea insolens hardiness -10 |
Castilleja miniata and dactylorhizas. |
Astilboides |
Leucocasia gigantea |
Salsola soda verdura |
Isatis tinctoria blu oro |
X Sycoparrotia semidecidua |
Metapanax (Nothopanax) delavayi |
Wollemia nobilis |
Bomarea multiflora flowers round 0 |
Tussilago farfara |
White Wild Indigo, White False Indigo, Baptisia (Baptisia alba, B.
leucantha, B. albescens) |
Duranta erecta |
Shohwa-no-sakae is the delicious Japanese name for this scented
Camellia. |
Oxalis palmifrons |
Pithocarpa cordata. Tangle daisy. |
Begonia Luxurians |
Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' |
Dalechampia spathulata |
Oreopanax dactylifolius |
Myrrhidendron donnellsmithii the Mexican Carrot Tree. |
This weird carrot relative comes from the low cloud forests in
And forms a ringed trunk rather like melanoselinum decipiens but
much bigger 🌱
Another very short list today in the genera of Araliaceae as I only
have these three species.
Just germinated is one of the new plants that I’m growing for 2021 |
Brassaiopsis mitis |
Brassaiopsis hispida |
Brassaiopsis dumicola |