Socioeconomics of Ven
The following socioeconomic groups/activities on Ven with considerable overlapping or roles can be identified



Farming, very few farmers live on Ven (number under 10), but agriculture it is the largest income source.. The farming is of intensive type. There is no small scale farming or orchards.
Agriculture is intensive with the high utilization of fertilizers and pesticides. As there are no cattle holding on the island the chemical fertilizers is the only solution.


Hunting, there are even less hunters than farmers
Hunting: pheasants, hare and roe deer. The Island has only a very small forest, a few hectares and limited wood areas between the fields. Due to poor nutrition state of deer, there is a considerable strain on the garden owners from the site of roe deer as the animals eat garden plants and especially bark of the fruit trees.


Tourism, a few people live from tourism as the only occupation (hotels, restaurants) but many profits from the tourism as an additions source of income, selling artisan products, small services etc.
Tourism: The majority of tourists are only one-day visitors, arriving at the morning and leaving at evening.
Except of the golf activities which may attract people for a long stay, there are no attractions compelling tourist to stay longer time. There are no nice beaches compering to the rest of Scandia and the water do no warm up to higher levels due to mixing Baltic and North Sea streams. The maritime traffic on the strait of Oersund is intensive so the leisure boating is constricted.


Services, shop, school, nursery
There is on shop on the island, a nurse, and school with the lower grades.


  out of the Ven workers
 few live on the island but travel to work outside of the island Ven, ex-Ven workers.


Retirees (could be estimated to be the largest group)


Enterprises, hotels, Golf , Whiskey brewery